New Brighton Community Centre
1a Hope Street
CH45 2LN
Art Classes
Every Monday afternoon 2pm till 4pm.
Accent on enjoyment rather than talent.
Tuition at all levels.
All materials provided – 2 hour class.
For more details phone Iris on 0151 638 8472.
Every Friday: 9.45am – 11.00am.
Spaces limited, ring Chelsea 0151 630 0864 to book.
Mucky Pups
Every Monday 10.30am – 11.30am.
Art & Craft for Pre school Tots. Come & join in all the fun!
Ring Philippa for details 0151 345 3490 or 07729 303 538
Luncheon Club – Open to All
This is open every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the Community Centre. Served at 12:30 local pensioners, unemployed members of the community and people on low incomes can have a three-course meal and a cup of tea or coffee for just £3.50